
Pottery & Ceramics

Hands Can

Lucy Barfoot Pottery hand

Lucy Barfoot Pottery hand

Lucy Barfoot Pottery hand

Lucy Barfoot Pottery hand

Lucy Barfoot Pottery hand

Lucy Barfoot Pottery hand

Lucy Barfoot Pottery hand

Lucy Barfoot Pottery hand

Lucy Barfoot Pottery hand

Lucy Barfoot Pottery hand

Some of the first things I made at pottery class were hands. There's a lot of palm-based pottery and back when I started I was gazing at Pinterest for Pottery inspiration. Looking back, it was a great place to start - hands moulding to the shape of your own hands, a simple shape which we all know so well.Loved dipping the fingers in antique gold, and loved giving away and/or dropping and smashing all of the hands depicted here. It'll soon be time for more hands, I recon.