

Lilac + Sun Yellow textured pots

Three pots here, plant pots (see those drainage holes) made by rolling clay out super-thin and using a pringles tube as a shape template. Playing with pattern here. Inlay again, and texture made by scraping clay out. Both took a long time, but this was the point – take time and make something with a lot of attention to detail. With pottery, I find this hard.

Lilac slip, sun yellow glaze, splattered on Copper Oxide with a toothbrush (needs more of this I think) and Matt Glaze on top of all that. This was a success! I’m finding out more glazings I like.


Making My House Number

Just moved house, and to dived straight into the project of making a ceramic house number. Scary stuff, flat things are difficult to fire in the kiln, and at a high risk of cracking – especially when it comes to screwing it into the wall.

Paper resist was the technique I used for this, and royal blue works quite nicely with the brick work.


Onwards! To more home-projects!


Wise Face for Nigel

wise Nigel.jpg

A 69th birthday present for my Dad, a wise head, taking inspiration from Easter Island statues and Imhotep. when you put your hand on his head, it’s like receiving wisdom of luck. Shame he looks like he’s crying though, but thus is the unpredictable nature of glazing and kiln firing!


Pots with Faces

Hi blog, long time no blog. Here I am! Around Christmas time I got very much into making pots with faces at my pottery class. A great excuse to get on the wheel for the majority of the 12-weeks of the class, with a few sessions of nose-making in-between.


A new love of Pottery

I have found a new love, and it’s pottery. Have competed a couple of short courses in it, at Potstop Bristol and plan to continue. I now find pottery inspiration everywhere, from shapes and curves to my crinkle-cut kitchen knife which I’m going to use to make patterns in the clay.

And one day, I’ll have a kiln at home, the whole shebang – it’s a new goal of mine. Here’s a couple of my makings.

Crazy honeycomb vase (I think), cactus object/pot and the beginnings of the honeycomb vase. Must take more pics at Pottery