Pottery & Ceramics, Process, Sketchbook

Keeping a pottery notebook and testing colour & texture





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Something I couldn't not do without at the pottery studio is my sketchbook - a record of glazes, processes, what works and what doesn't. I'm a big fan of keeping note and have got into the habit of making keys for colour and texture.This is a colour wheel I made. I noted which colour is which, so if i find a shade/overlap of slip and glaze I love, I know what it is. Without this, I find it hard to choose which slips and glazes to use - they are stored in tupperware boxes, and the colour is written on the box but the wet slips only show their colour once fired - it's like a lottery unless you have a key.Texture tests! I made this because I want to be adding more texture to things, and i want to be nimble about it, rather than having to wait to experiment with a texture - I did lots of texture experiments all at once, and laid out each texture tool next to the mark it made. I'll now print this pic out and wack it into my sketchbook.